Peace Cleric/ Blood Hunter Multiclass

Hello guys, im currently playing in a Hoard of the Drsgon Queen Campaign, with a half orc peace cleric, who renegated from his tribe and because of some background he is trying to spread the word of peace in the world. But thematically i thought it was cool if he was still getting whispers from Gruumsh (orc deity) trying to corrupt him and bring him back to the path of bloodlust, so i took some Blood Hunter levels to roleplay that, with profane soul with Gruumsh as a his Patrón.

Im currently Blood Hunter 3/ Peace Cleric 2.

Question is which levels are crucial for this multiclass to work? Im thinking of going cleric 5 right now but not getting multiattack feels kinda wrong too. Im asking for some orientation in general. (Roleplaywise im taking levels depending on if Gruumsh wins over my peace god or not)

Im also not sure how the spell progression works with this, im wisdom based btw. So any help would work. Ty!