I probably caused mass hysteria with a TOY on a server, and it's absolutely hilarious.
I got a Whoopee Cushion from last year's "Jokes Update" through a Trade and started using it. It emits different fart sounds, and sometimes, it even makes a noise that sounds like diarrhea. While using it, I noticed that people in the chat could hear the fart sounds - to the point where they thought the game was hacked. They started blaming each other (even their Pets), leaving the game, screaming in chat, getting confused, amused and annoyed, and even claiming the owner is in the game!
Even if you're far away or inside your Home while using the Toy, they can STILL hear the fart sounds. Also, they do not know where the sounds come from. Very funny, LOL. I think this might be my favorite Toy to use from now on.
EDIT: I might've accidentally/unintentionally raised the value of this Toy. Whoops.