Anxiety at night
Please let me know if I'm not in the right place, I'm also posting from a burner account just to be sure of the anonymity.
I've tried to get on top of my drinking this year, months of sobriety and my partner has made an effort to drink in a more "controlled" way. I do have to say that they're really great and things are going better than the have previously.
This year has been a vast improvement, but there is obviously some residual anxiety.
My issue is and why I'm writing at 6am on a Saturday is I'm still holding so much anxiety from the years where drinking was out of control.
My partner stays up later than me generally, just two different sleeping cycles that's fine normally. But when they stay up drinking it fills me with dread, I can't sleep or have really bad restless sleep.
Previously when the drinking was bad, it's because they would sleepwalk, get belligerent, piss everywhere, pass out on the couch with drinks still in their hand. One time (I'm so grateful I was there) they vomited all over themselves while passed out, I had to help get them in a safer position. We'd drink together, literally multiple times every weekend, shamefully inspire of this. It would always hit a point where they would pass out or take it too far and I would baby sit- every single time. It was so troubling, they were in a really bad place and I felt like I couldn't reach them. This went on for at least three years.
There was a lot going on in the background that caused us anxiety, that's how they chose to cope with it. I'm not going to pretend I was a saint and I know I could have done more to try and get help for this or push them but genuinely was one of the most stressful times of my life. I was so scared and angry, I have since told him how troubling it was and he agrees and has apologised.
I feel very seen with their apologies and they have made so much of an effort to improve. Literally nothing troubling has happened since last December, nearly a full year of not having to get them to bed, deal with sleep walking and endless beligerance. While they still drink and at a frequency they've said they are trying to cut down, it does seem like they're in control at the moment.
I am however now coming to the realisation that I was more traumatised by this than I thought. Literally I've been up for hours today fretting about them being asleep next to me after they stayed up and had a few drinks after I went to bed. I am so worried they'll sleep walk, or they've had more than they've let on ( this isn't the case tonight) or they'll just die in their sleep. This happens every time they drink now.
Does anyone have any experience of this situation? Any advice or insight would be so much appreciated. I just feel so much dread. Am I just overthinking?