AIO - For being upset that my partner doesn’t want to spend Thanksgiving with me after I’ve completed Chemo

I female (38) was diagnosed with cancer in March. I’m actively going through chemotherapy after my hysterectomy in May. I am slated to be done by mid October.  Given recovery from chemo I decided that I will not be going home for Thanksgiving.  My sister and brother will be flying into town so that I’m not alone.  

Back in April, I had mentioned to my partner(41 - of almost two years - long distance)  that it would be great if they could spend Thanksgiving with me. The response ? “I luv- the TGiv idea”.  After 4 additional reminders (one today), today I was told that they had made other plans with their step family (beach front Thanksgiving dinner) but were thankfully for my invite. 

Mind you - My birthday is the day before Thanksgiving, our two year anniversary is the second week of Nov, It will have been a month since Chemo completion and Thanksgiving itself.  Thus - won’t lie. I’m extremely disappointed and hurt. All of the feels. 

Thus - AIO ?