How to soften stool without bulking it?

I would prefer without miralax or any sort of drug, that’s my last resort. I had two weeks straight of soft, runnier stool until I introduced some processed food into my diet to try to firm it up some. I’ve since added more water, exercise, & a cup of prune juice nightly & cut out most processed foods to only eat fruits & veggies & things like chicken breasts & my stool is slowly getting bulkier now & harder. Thoughts? I know everyone cops out with drugs but I want to avoid that since I know I had it before the processed foods part & wonder if it’s stress. Are whole grain pastas good? I cut those out entirely, same with red meat, but wonder if that was helpful to me. If needed I’ll do drugs but don’t want to. Fissure was “fully” healed for like two days or so & just ever so slightly retore it this morning when going (no blood in stool or on baby wipes but I could feel slight burning & possible retear? so I count it. Does cooking veggies until they soften help? I eat them raw & uncooked in almost every instance. I have about six fruits & six veggies a day for reference, usually a big handful of leafy greens for a salad, tomatoes, carrots, radishes, avocados, blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, clementines, bananas, raisins, prunes (I do three with lunch & 3 with dinner in addition to the prune juice cup before bed), bell peppers, apples, pears, & such typically, all uncooked with the skin fully on & raw. Is this causing me the bulking issue? Should I eat less fruits & veggies? Where do I get my calories from so I’m not malnourished doing this? That’s my issue. I feel I can do it either way food but want to avoid not eating enough calories because veggies blow for calories & are useless there.