Stool is soft but still retear

My stool is soft (think type 5 on the stool chart) but it isn’t enough for my fissure to heal it seems like but I’ve read that diarrhea is hard on the anus too and would cause issues as well (truthfully, I’ve been trying to induce diarrhea for the softness through food but I can’t seem to no matter what I eat, even with almost no processed foods, cutting out most dairy and even red meat. Eating tons of fruits and veggies and chicken plain. Struggling to get enough calories doing this. Also eating 3 prunes per meal for lunch and dinner and doing a warm glass of water before bed and when waking up and a warm cup of prune juice before bed). I can’t get it any softer than this purposefully without taking meds (I’d imagine, Haven’t tried, but am wondering if it would be too much and cause more issues). Is it possible that stool softness isn’t my issue and my anus will just retear a few times as it heals? Each retear heals faster and sets me back less but it’s still odd. I’m hearing I may need to reduce how many fruits and veggies I eat and actually eat same whole grains and stuff like that because I may have too many fruits and veggies in my diet because that’s basically all I’ve been eating currently