Good News
Want to share good news in here since I noticed that it was completely devoid of any when I needed it most and first started getting fissures. I was able to heal a minor recurrence of one of my fissures in about a week or so. That is from it taking a month or two to heal two or three fissures before. That should fill you with hope. I was fissures-free for a little over two months then had a small recurrence. You can and will heal, I promise. You just need to learn your body and what works for you. What works for some on here won’t work for you but that’s not for them to figure out, it’s for you. So see what others have had success with and try it yourself. If it doesn’t work for you then you know. I know it’s discouraging and painful but if you quit you guarantee pain and never healing, so your only option logically is to try and heal right? Why guarantee misery? I’m sure I’ll have this on and off as time goes on but the goal is for it to be less frequent and less severe each time and I’ve absolutely crushed it with this first recurrence being so short-lived and minor. From 2-3 bad fissures with debilitating pain for a month or two to one minor fissure with some decent pain for a few days to a week before healing is a win in my book. So take heart, treat your body well, and don’t give up. Wishing you happiness and healing. Also, no I’ve never done surgery and haven’t even really used any medication aside from a small amount of miralax. Don’t let people tell you you’re screwed without surgeries or tons of medications and that it’s over for you. It is not, I can assure you that, as someone who thought at some points they were right. They were not. You will be a-okay. Much love and healing to you all, truly and sincerely