Am I going mentally insane?
I've always had anxiety about things, but they got really bad when I had to go to the ER for a stomach bug where I then got diagnosed with GERD. I'm on 2 medications, lexapro, and omazeparole (medicine for the gerd) I take them every day, but ever since halloween I got some sort of fever and I stil kind of have it. Ever since then though my brain feels weird inside my head, like I can feel it in there. Sometimes I don't even feel conscious, and my thoughts don't feel like they're mine. I've been napping more, and I feel like i've been forgetting things more too. Usually i'd have a mental breakdown about these things, but i've been so numb and thats what scares me most. WHAT SHOULD I DO? I have so much more I want to accomplish I cant go insane yet. Advice pls