Those who have been betrayed did you fall out of love with your WP while trying to reconcile?
As the title states. So my WW cheated on me. I discovered it and she stopped but I was trickle truthed for two years before getting more of the actual story (even though I did know there was more that happened). Now over three years later we’re each in individual therapy and couples therapy. She is doing most things right for me now but in the past year I just find myself not as interested in her as a husband should be and clearly not in love like a husband should be due to her infidelities. I stayed with her mainly due to our kids. There are days when I’m happy but by and large I am not anywhere near the man that I once was. Sad feelings about what she did most days. How did you guys/girls move forward? It’s Christmas time and I should be excited and it’s just not there. Thanks for your advice.