Why is the difference between merchant capitalism and industrial capitalism important?
First, let me apologize for asking what seems like an economics question, but every time I ask economists about capitalism, they roll their eyes at me and say that capitalism isn't something studied in economics, because there are no -isms. There's just economics. Anything linked to any kind of -ism has no place in economics, and they don't care. So they don't even recognize capitalism as a system or even a "real thing" and can't give me an answer.
That said...
I've read that there's a distinction between "proto-capitalism" or "merchant capitalism" and industrial capitalism. I understand that the difference is the industrial scale, the way capital moves, etc.
My question is, why is this important? For example, I understand that Marx had various critiques of capitalism. But why is it important to draw a clear distinction between industrial capitalism and merchant capitalism? It seems like industrial capitalism is just merchant capitalism but... more. More capital, more labor, more goods, etc.
Is industrial capitalism qualitatively different? Why do historians draw this distinction? Do Marxist critiques of industrial capitalism not apply to merchant capitalism? Did Marx see merchant capitalism as benign?