My father is threatening my partner and I really badly, and I'm absolutely losing it. How do I deal with all of this?
Growing up in a shitty family, I never truly felt like I had a home. I would dream of a day when I would have a safe space too, some place that made me happy, where I would find peace.
For the past year, my boyfriend and I have been living together. It was the best year of my life, better than I could ever imagine or hope for. For the first time in my life, I felt like I had a home. I had someone who would hold me and comfort me during all my bad moments. We would cook meals and cuddle and sleep at night and spend all our time together. Literally, best friends who are in love.
And now it's all being shattered thanks to my family. My dad is a class one government officer. He used his resources to someone have me stalked and find out about my whereabouts (I had been very low contact with my family for some time). Ours is an intercaste relationship and I come from a Brahmin family. The kind of horrible, casteist slurs I've had to hear are just disgusting. The kind of threats we have received is just disgusting.
My father has threatened to abuse his power to destroy our careers unless we live apart. I don't think the demands will stop at us living apart but do we really have a choice? I'm losing my home and my heart is breaking every single day. We don't have the financial means to take any legal recourse right now. My boyfriend is also in the middle of a career switch so finances are not at all stable for him. I have a job which pays okayishly but not that great.
I feel like I'm losing everything. I keep crying randomly thinking about how our days are numbered and I need to move out soon (my parents have given some time to look for a new place). I keep crying about how I won't see and hear him sleeping next to me, we won't cook any meals together, I won't have someone to help me to the doctor when I'm sick, someone to do timepass with and watch all movies with and discuss the most random, stupidest Reddit posts with while I sit in his lap with my head on his chest.
He's going back to his hometown for now to lie low. And I'm gonna be here all alone in an empty house with no one to hold or love. I don't have a lot of friends. I feel like I'm slipping back. There was so much progress I made in terms of my mental health in the past one year. Even in terms of my career. All of that is getting ruined right now. I'm making stupid mistakes at work and my insomnia is back again after an entire year of being able to sleep properly. I've been falling sick every couple of days because of the stress of this all.