Ugly layer line and little holes on the print
Hi I have this issue for months I really don't khow what to do anymore a need help please I print this with a x1c and 0,4 nozzle with 0,16 layer height 1 mouth ago I had my first layer shift after that I have done the maintenance of the belt the lead srew and the calibration of the printer I think I don't have layer shift anymore BUT I'm not sure because of that. All the print I do have really ugly layer I don't khow why I have try many thing to solve it but it's not working I have dry my filament for multiple day in my filament dryer and use many filament brand and I always have this issue bambu support don't help me please I print this in standard mode and I have done the maintenance of the lead srew and the belt multiple time this mouth to solve this problem but this isn't helping and I have little holes on all my print to like I have said I have already put the filament in my filament dryer for multiple day so I don’t understand this little holes too please help me