[CW: bugs] Deemed "acceptable" to operate by store management
(yes those are the straws from the previous image in the trash because I will not be knowingly putting out contaminated products of any kind)
This happens when: 1. You don't have enough people on staff to ensure everything gets the proper amout of cleaning. 2. You spend all your money remodeling and opening new stores, but don't work with landlords at current stores to ensure the buildings you're in are... kept up on... to say the least. 3. Your staff is trained to think that crushing the bugs helps, instead of just spreading more bacteria and releasing more eggs.
But thank god I know how to pitch a membership 7 ways from Sunday, right? At this point, I don't care. Even if bugs clear up, the problems are still there. An establishment that serves food like this is going to cut corners elsewhere. Not me, though. I'm already done. I only feel bad about the customers that buy from there, and for the good people I know who still work there. They deserve better and way more than just a bug-free environment.