Why i hate goblin fights.
Now i know there will be those 10 snobby "oH TheY aRe aCtUallY EaSy fIgHts. iTs SkLLz iSsue." Specimen in the comments. But i dont care.
Yes they arent the hardest fight in the world, im not saying they are hard or unbalanced, but they are extremely tedious and boring to play. When fighting them in large numbers you will be draged into a long fight that consists of waiting for their bullshit archers to shoot arrows at you, their bullshit nets slowing you, their dumbass shamans rooting you and their overseer giving you injuries with his crossbow. Not to mention you will have to wait for them to throw their dumbass anal beeds at you that do like 3 dmg and that slowly shred your armor.
To accelerate this experience try fighting them on a hill or on forests. I just dont find this fight fun, i try to avoid then if i have to and only go after their camps for famed loot, because even their loot is trash.
I would rather fight 25 chosen, 7 hexen, 15 fallen heroes backed by 10 gheists, then to have to fight a single double shaman goblin fight. Just because of how tedious it all is.
If you enjoy this fight its ok, i understand everyone can have their opinions and prefferences. In fact if you do i have a recommendation for you, try cock and ball torture, i think you will find that quite enjoyable as well. Its basically the same as this fight.