I feel like such an idiot — what’s the easiest trip checking app??

I’m supposed to be driving home to Bend from the bay area tomorrow, but i’m nervous about the road conditions. i put it into On The Way app, and it’s not really showing anything (the screenshots show me clicking the one hazard warning it had).

but then i thought i’d look at trip check and it is showing hazardous conditions and snow / ice. AND seems to be saying i need to carry chains (i have AWD but not my snow tires on yet because it’s a new car — a toyota rav4).

why this conflicting information? i just want some clear answers on if the roads are safe, when they’ll be safe, and if i need chains / snow tires.

things im considering:

  • get snow tires down here tomorrow before i leave
  • or i could stay a few extra days until conditions improve. but i can’t find any answers on when that could be.

any help or insights? and what am i doing wrong with these two sources, i dont understand how im getting such different answers. On The Way makes it seem like ill have no issues at all, while trip check makes it seem like ill die if i leave tomorrow.