Just got this today! 📦 Dark Poseidon 🔱🌊

Ever since I watched the Sol Blaze movie back in middle school 2011, I wondered why Takara or Hasbro didn’t release Dark Poseidon like never. The beyblade looked so majestically beautiful with the stickers on the dark fusion wheel and overall the full stock looked so good. Then I found out they only released a sticker sheet for the bey but not the beyblade itself 😭. Many years later I also found out there was a rapidity of Dark Poseidon. I don’t tend to buy fakes but that specific one got my attention for many years until last week when I decided to give it a chance. Arrived today and I can’t stop looking at it.

I got rid of everything except the stickers. The facebolt was from the hasbro legends hyper aquario, same as the energy ring, the fusion wheel came from Dark Capricorn, the track was from hasbro’s poison virgo and the tip came from a second gravity destroyer I personally own.