Erlang is Impossible

I cannot beat him. I cant find a way to keep breaking his armour. He gets his armour back 10 times a fight. Using the fan, the bat, immobilize, golden armour, staff spin, everything I have. Nothing is working.120 sparks. The whole fight my health bar just drains randomly. I’ll be having a good run and the game glitches and I can’t move or take damage. I’m going mental with this fight. He gets his armour back twice in the first phase. Like holy hell. I love every souls game, beat them multiple times over. From Dark Souls1-3, Elden ring, Bloodbourne, Sekrio, I have NEVER fought a boss like this. This is stupid. This is making me hate the game. Like this isn’t good design, this is “how much horseshit can we throw at a player until he deletes the game”

Does anyone have any tips?

EDIT: FELLAS I FINALLY BEAT HIM!!!!! Thanks for all the advice! Everything really helped. Almost died when I saw a second phase but once I realized what it was I was relived. Thanks again everyone. Took me 42 tries. Would rank him above a good portion of Elden ring and Sekiro bosses, but he got a lot easier once I started using Cloud Step and figured out when to immobilize. Quite literally a get a good situation. Thanks everyone