First time- they suck as grandparents!
First time here, I’ve seen many like this but I’m in a bad place today.
My partner (33F) and I (36M) have been together 12 years and had a daughter back in 2014, we were together 1.5 years at that point.
My childhood was great! Partners was meh at the most. My parents never let me go without. That being said, I and my half sister (42F) were pawned off on my grandparents EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT I can remember for a sleepover. Saturday mornings were spent at their house when we got picked up. Sunday mornings we were back over there for breakfast. My grandfather took us both to school EVERY SINGLE DAY without fail. The relationship was fine as I thought this was normal.
Fast forward to now: my daughter is 10 next month. The first half of her life they would come see her/ I take her over to their house at least 1x per week. No sleepovers, no meals. Nothing. Currently, they see her only around holidays. Never call her, only text me 1x per month or so to check in. Grandad(63M) is retired and grandma (63F) works from home. They put in zero effort to see their ONLY granddaughter, never ask if we need a break, never ever offer ANYTHING in a way of assisting. I asked grandad when he retired if he could assist in the taking to school, watching her so we don’t spend our savings on daycare and just got a flat out “no” he’s retired and doesn’t plan to do shit. Partner and I both work full time and the kiddo spends a lot of time at daycare. Apparently it does NOT take a village to raise a child.
Be easy on the comments plz I’m venting at this point 😂