Final thoughts on Ollie after playing him way too much.
Easy to say he's definetly my new favorite brawler. He's an amazing tide turner that can hold a lot of pressure with amazing positioning and movement.
His best build is definetly Renegade + Regulate (All Eyez on Me is better for more open maps, and Kick, Push might have a niche map where it might be useful but ideally always use Renegade) additionally, his best Gears are Speed + Health (Gadget if no bushes), Health is very important since he's very dive dependand he needs every single health point avaliable to him and Speed gear helps catch up to people and catch them with his super more easily.
The new "Hypnotize" Debuff is VERY strong, but heavily dependand on allies' knowledge of it, his lack of damage makes him unable to finish off a lot of enemies. and an incredibly large margain of people have no idea why a Jessie is chasing me without attacking, so they stay hidden in a bush (I've died this way a lot).
He'll only get better ovetime, as more people learn to use him, with 2 of his counters getting deleted tomorrow (Wing/Saber Buzzly) He'll definetly find a better spot in ladder.
Moving onto the bad though, his super is incredibly hard to pull off consistently. on high burst/high mobility matches it's quite literally impossible to hit someone with it and the delay only makes it easier for brawlers with a mobility super to charge it while it's activating and escape or wait for their gadget to come off cooldown and save themselves. I do have some ideas how to make it better though.
I do not consider his low damage output a bad thing though. if anything it's a great thing he cannot deal enough damage in time. i've explained this in my previous Ollie discussion post.
To finish off there is one thing i'd change about him to make him better.
Kick, Push (Star Power) - Rework
After dashing forward with his Super, Ollie gains 20% extra movement speed for 4 seconds.
This would make this star power contest more against Renegade. I considered making it a passive addition but that'd be too much.
Overall Ollie rating: 9/10
Feel free to ask me anything about him if interested.
Easy to say he's definetly my new favorite brawler. He's an amazing tide turner that can hold a lot of pressure with amazing positioning and movement.
His best build is definetly Renegade + Regulate (All Eyez on Me is better for more open maps, and Kick, Push might have a niche map where it might be useful but ideally always use Renegade) additionally, his best Gears are Speed + Health (Gadget if no bushes), Health is very important since he's very dive dependand he needs every single health point avaliable to him and Speed gear helps catch up to people and catch them with his super more easily.
The new "Hypnotize" Debuff is VERY strong, but heavily dependand on allies' knowledge of it, his lack of damage makes him unable to finish off a lot of enemies. and an incredibly large margain of people have no idea why a Jessie is chasing me without attacking, so they stay hidden in a bush (I've died this way a lot).
He'll only get better ovetime, as more people learn to use him, with 2 of his counters getting deleted tomorrow (Wing/Saber Buzzly) He'll definetly find a better spot in ladder.
Moving onto the bad though, his super is incredibly hard to pull off consistently. on high burst/high mobility matches it's quite literally impossible to hit someone with it and the delay only makes it easier for brawlers with a mobility super to charge it while it's activating and escape or wait for their gadget to come off cooldown and save themselves. I do have some ideas how to make it better though.
I do not consider his low damage output a bad thing though. if anything it's a great thing he cannot deal enough damage in time. i've explained this in my previous Ollie discussion post.
To finish off there is one thing i'd change about him to make him better.
Kick, Push (Star Power) - Rework
After dashing forward with his Super, Ollie gains 20% extra movement speed for 4 seconds.
This would make this star power contest more against Renegade. I considered making it a passive addition but that'd be too much.
Overall Ollie rating: 9/10
Feel free to ask me anything about him if interested.