Probs a me thing, but DAE feel patronized by therapy?

TW specific abuse (weaponizing weakness)

The therapy voice that some therapists have, the fakeness, the babying. Could be a me problem or a lack of trust on my side. My dad is an abusive man child who loves being babied and coddled. He's a sensitive guy with a lot of childhood wounds, and I feel for him. I really do. But everytime a therapist "soothes" me and tries to validate or comfort me, I feel enraged and patronized. I want to be the farthest thing from my father as possible. I want to be stronger than him. Also, my mom abused and battered him physically and mentally. She did this to me as well. She would use our sensitivity against us and hit below the belt to emotionally shame us and abuse us.

So yeah. Suffice it to say, likely a me problem. But also, I just don't like fakeness. This is a common thing I've experienced with therapists in my area. I want solutions and intellectual stimulation (the later is a coping mechanism, I understand that). Anyone else experience this?