Do I love my cats too much?

I have a hybrid job, I go to office twice a week. I am home otherwise mostly and spend all my time with my cats if I am not doing anything else. I don't go out much because there's not much to do in my city other than eating out. So I am mostly home. I am married and my partner is equally invested in our three cats and a bunch of stray cats.

So I get these nightmares often that one of my beloved cat (first cat) has either run away or I have abandoned her. I do have this guilt of bringing in more cats and she's not pleased with it at all. She never mingles with other cats; it's been two years. She has first cat syndrome, probably. I feel guilty when I have to sometimes prefer other cats over her if they get sick or just need more attention.

My sister says you're always home with them that's why you're always paranoid about them. Is this the case or do all cat owners feel the same way?