What’s wrong with my chicken?


My black sex link hen is constantly sitting and struggling to walk. She is around 19 weeks old. I thought she was eggbound because I have one layer (idk which chicken is laying and I assumed it was her) and I get one egg every other day but didn’t get an egg for two days! I did get one two days ago and I now do not believe she’s my layer (I can’t tell which one is laying yet). Anyways, she’s wobbly when she does decide to walk. She struggles going up and down the ramp into the coop. She eats what is around her and drinks water. She’s alert and looking around, squaking and all! She just can’t move around well. She did have some poop stuck to her fluffy feathers slight below her vent but her vent is clean, not inflamed. I cleaned that off. Her poop has turned into diarrhea it looks like. No blood. Greenish in color (she’s been eating a lot of grass). Also seen that darker mustard color.

I gave her an epsom salt bath since this started. She walks better after bath but then goes back to basically becoming stationary. Any idea what it could be? My other chickens are fine, but should I be worried about them too?

Thank you!! 🙏🏼

Photo of her spa treatment. Haha


My black sex link hen is constantly sitting and struggling to walk. She is around 19 weeks old. I thought she was eggbound because I have one layer (idk which chicken is laying and I assumed it was her) and I get one egg every other day but didn’t get an egg for two days! I did get one two days ago and I now do not believe she’s my layer (I can’t tell which one is laying yet). Anyways, she’s wobbly when she does decide to walk. She struggles going up and down the ramp into the coop. She eats what is around her and drinks water. She’s alert and looking around, squaking and all! She just can’t move around well. She did have some poop stuck to her fluffy feathers slight below her vent but her vent is clean, not inflamed. I cleaned that off. Her poop has turned into diarrhea it looks like. No blood. Greenish in color (she’s been eating a lot of grass). Also seen that darker mustard color.

I gave her an epsom salt bath since this started. She walks better after bath but then goes back to basically becoming stationary. Any idea what it could be? My other chickens are fine, but should I be worried about them too?

Thank you!! 🙏🏼

Photo of her spa treatment. Haha