How do Poetries Work?
As a disclaimer, I am not an expert on the topic, so correct me if I made any mistakes.
To my understanding, the prosody of Chinese poems (詩) is based on two phonological features: the tone categories (平仄) and rhyming (押韻). Rhyming refers to the phenomenon in which two syllables share the same vowel and final consonant, which you probably have known already. On the other hand, the tone categories refers to the “tone” of a character in Middle Chinesea, with the level tone (平聲) in one group and the rest (上聲、去聲、入聲) in the other. This is crucial for Tang poems which regulated that the tones categories of each character in the paired stanzas must be different. For example, in Wang Zhihuan’s 登鸛雀樓, non-level 白b、日、and 進 from the first line are paired with level 黃、河、and 流 from the second line, whereas level 依 and 山 are paired with non-level 入 and 海. This regulation is also used in doublets (對聯).
However, when I looked at other poems, not all of them follows this rule. In Li Bai’s 靜夜思, out of ten pairs, four of them has the same tone categories. That is also the case for doublets I found while walking around, among which are both those following the rules and those don’t.
So my question is, how poems in Chinese really works?
a The common ancestor of almost all Chinese languages, with a notable exception of Min, spoken around the 4th century to 12th century.
b 白 originally belongs to 入聲, but due to the losing of 入聲 in Mandarin, the pronunciation in Standard Mandarin turned to the second tone, which appears like a level tone.
As a disclaimer, I am not an expert on the topic, so correct me if I made any mistakes.
To my understanding, the prosody of Chinese poems (詩) is based on two phonological features: the tone categories (平仄) and rhyming (押韻). Rhyming refers to the phenomenon in which two syllables share the same vowel and final consonant, which you probably have known already. On the other hand, the tone categories refers to the “tone” of a character in Middle Chinesea, with the level tone (平聲) in one group and the rest (上聲、去聲、入聲) in the other. This is crucial for Tang poems which regulated that the tones categories of each character in the paired stanzas must be different. For example, in Wang Zhihuan’s 登鸛雀樓, non-level 白b、日、and 進 from the first line are paired with level 黃、河、and 流 from the second line, whereas level 依 and 山 are paired with non-level 入 and 海. This regulation is also used in doublets (對聯).
However, when I looked at other poems, not all of them follows this rule. In Li Bai’s 靜夜思, out of ten pairs, four of them has the same tone categories. That is also the case for doublets I found while walking around, among which are both those following the rules and those don’t.
So my question is, how poems in Chinese really works?
a The common ancestor of almost all Chinese languages, with a notable exception of Min, spoken around the 4th century to 12th century.
b 白 originally belongs to 入聲, but due to the losing of 入聲 in Mandarin, the pronunciation in Standard Mandarin turned to the second tone, which appears like a level tone.