Rebecca - Chapter 11 (Spoilers up to chapter 11)

I hope everyone has had a good weekend. Did you accidentally find the beach where your husband’s ex-wife drowned? Oh well.

Discussion prompts

  1. Not Jasper (sorry, couldn’t resist) is spiralling. What would you say or do to help her?
  2. We’ve talked about how this book is less focused on the action and more of the experience (the senses). How are you feeling as you read? Are you emotionally invested? Can you smell the azaleas, feel the sea salt from the beach?
  3. The narrator quizzes Frank the agent and breaks down some of the walls she has about Rebecca. What did you think of their scene? What’s being left unsaid?
  4. Sorry, this chapter ended on me after three prompts! I think I got a little lost in the descriptions. Last one - gala balls and dinners and the like. Do you like them? Have you been to one, dinner suit or evening dress, ball gowns and corsages and alternate drop plating - all of that? (And would you attend at Manderley?)
  5. Anything else you'd like to discuss?

No links here, Rebecca isn’t in the public domain. I did discover I’ve an audiobook copy, Audible must have had it free at some point. I’m still not sure where my physical copy is, so I’m reading an electronic copy.

Last Line

We went up the steps then to the hall, and I rang the bell for tea.