Either wave the flag of the country you live in or live in the country you wave the flag of.
Recently, I've been seeing pictures from "anti-deportation" protests of people waving Mexican and other South-American flags asking for deportations to stop. I genuinely don't understand how these people expect the United States to be a literal dumping ground for anyone who "wants a better life". They wave these flags claiming that Mexico is such a great country... then why don't they want to live there?
The same applies with the Palestine protests. There are so many foreign students and refugees that the United State GRACIOUSLY accepted into the country, but now they publicly burn American flags and wave Palestinian flags. It's absurd how these people eat up every government benefit they can from us, but actively hate this country.
Just curious on what other conservatives think on this. It feels so unsettling to see these ungrateful people who demonize the United States, but refuse to leave the country. We need to remind others that the United States is a land of opportunity for those who enter the country properly and for those who actually care about working hard rather than burning American flags in front of colleges!