What is happening?

Okay, it's not like I care that much but...

So he hasn't been texting me quite as much. Sure, it's spring break but I know he isn't doing much. And, his friend who also likes me has been texting me more. So, is he pulling back so his friend can have me? Cause I'm gonna be honest, I dotn really like his friend. I like him!

I've texted him but our texts are dry and repetitive. He used to text me little questions like 'would you rather be in a romantic comedy or a horror movie' and stuff like that, but now it's all 'whatcha doin' and 'goodnight/goodmorning'. And it takes him forever to text me back.

Idk, im probably overthinking it, but like bruh!

Edit: it's also possible he is losing feelings, but I'm just like 'nooooo! Anything but that!!!'