Understanding the "inverse r/cryptocurrency" trading strategy. Is this sub consistently wrong? How it works, how to exploit it, and the underlying reason driving it:

We've all heard the jokes, similar to how inverse Jim Cramer works, how people should just inverse what's being said here on r/cryptocurrency.

And we keep hearing the stories about how this sub was so anti Cardano, XRP, SOL, etc... during the end of the bear market, and then those coins rallied right after.

Or we can see more recently when the Daily gets filled with "we're going lower", "here comes the bear market", "back to ramen noodles", we end up rallying in the following days. And vice versa when the comments get too bullish.

But is the sub actually always wrong?

Not exactly.

Just like Jim Cramer, it's not actually always wrong. Jim Cramer, for instance, has actually been wrong just roughly 50% of the time, and slightly more correct when it mattered, but we always point out whenever he's wrong.

In fact the inverse Jim Cramer ETF hasn't done too well. It's down about 20% overall. https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/SJIM/

But it works a little differently on this sub.

On long term narratives, your odds of inversing aren't going to be as good, and you are more likely to do even worse than an inverse Jim Cramer ETF here. Long term, the sub has been pushing Bitcoin, with just some of the major alt coins, 4 year cycles, and long term DCA strategies.

On short term reaction to price and news, your odds of inversing are going to be a lot better. This is where the sub trends have fumbled the most.

The emotional cause.

This explains why a lot of the dominant short term opinions end up being overreaction or proven wrong with time.

Just like the market, the majority of people on the sub react more emotionally to the daily changes. So just like in traditional markets the "be greedy when others are fearful" etc...will probably work a little better than simply following the herd.

So it's no surprise that short term dominant narratives don't often age well.

But the key word is "short term".

Long term narratives are slightly more solid, because they are based on more rational thought out arguments than mere reactions.

It's simple, most people don't read.

Just make a post and look at the majority of responses.

The majority are going to respond to just the title.

But if you sneak in anything in the body of the post, you'll see that only a fraction actually read anything beyond the title, and not many even read the whole thing without skimming.

The same goes for crypto information.

Do you really think people here have read all the white papers for the coins they shill or dog on?

Most people read the headlines and the narrative in the top comments, but never go beyond that to see what's actually happening.

So it's no surprise that when the majority hasn't been really reading, they're gonna be more likely to shape uninformed narratives.

The confirmation bias.

We have every type of opinions shared here, and will always have an opinion for both side, it's always easy to find someone who said something wrong. Even if someone said the exact opposite and the correct thing in the next reply.

So even when Bitcoin rallies as everyone expected, you'll have someone say "I told you so", "yesterday my comment about Bitcoin rallying was downvoted to oblivion" (meaning 1 person downvoted them), "Everybody was saying I was wrong and Bitcoin would tank" (meaning 1 person replied with "no one knows shit about fuck").

There will always be that one comment or post we can always turn to in this sub, saying the opposite of what ends up happening to confirm this inverse r/cc narrative.


No, the sub isn't always wrong, but on short term narratives it can be wrong a little more often because of the following:

1- Just like the market, the sub reacts more emotionally than rationally to news and price movements of the day.

2- People simply don't read. Most people don't read beyond headlines, much less ever read any of the white papers of the coins they talk about.

3- There's always every opinions presented here, so there will always be a comment or post for that confirmation bias.

4- Inverse only on the short term herd mentality, especially if they are misunderstanding the current narrative.