About this scene (understanding story questions, help please.)
hi everyone curreently at chapter 3. love the game so much :)
i have couple of understanding questions, (here is a timestamp for the dialogue)
when Amelie says "the big cities were on board with bridges plan of reconstruction", i guess it means they implemented the terminals in each of the cities willing to join.
and line after that Amelie says: "Fragile Express was contracted by all three and kept supplies moving—and people connected." - this one , the end of it makes me confused, what does it mean that fragile express kept them connected?
Amelie: "Bridges doesn't have the resources to link up the remaining cities on its own." - the remaining cities are other cities in this specific area right? if so, and it means that sam is their only resource to connect them to the net, it leads me to the next sentence, which is a bit later:
die hardman: "That's why we've taken to cutting deals with preppers and the like." - i don't know why they even put these terminals in the isolated places outside towns, where the preppers live, in the first place? and does die hardman wants to utilize these terminals because they survived the explosions?