MAGA Isn't Going to Huff Copium, This Is What They Want

I keep seeing comments and posts talking about how "when they start to suffer, they'll realize they've been lied to" or "when they start paying higher, they'll get high in copium" while we laugh at their eventual realization.

This isn't the case. MAGA sees itself in an all-out-war with Democrats/liberals/anyone who stands against MAGA. That's it. These economic hardships aren't things to be endured because they're coping, they're things to be endured to "own the libs." They will take any type of suffering necessary to achieve their goal of destroying our well-being and happiness. They will gladly destroy our democracy, economy, standard of living, and global hegemony if it means we suffer just as much. They literally don't care about anything else, because as Destiny has said before, there are no bad tactics, only bad targets, and WE are the bad targets.

There are those in the middle who will feel betrayed and lied to, but the Republican party? They're lost. Even "normie" Republicans are jumping for joy at the thought of Democrats and our allies having to pay more and suffer, and see their own suffering as some sort of "patriotic duty." In the past, my father has said he would gladly abolish Social Security and Medicare (the only two things keeping him alive) and pay 100%+ more for basic goods if it meant Trump delivered on his promises of deporting all illegal immigrants, having everything made in the USA, and knowing that people who "didn't deserve" these welfare programs couldn't get them, and all of his friends feel the same exact way because they see it as serving the "greater good."