The Void Titan aspect dilemma; Sentinel Titans, let's talk about it

In The Final Shape, Titans are getting a new super and aspect on Void. Twilight Arsenal is the name of the new super and the new aspect has yet to be named. In true Titan naming fashion, for the sake of this post, we will call it Frontal Shield. Now, while Twilight Arsenal looks to be everything Titans have ever wanted, an instant-ranged super; Frontal Shield looks to be coming up short on all fronts. This is made worse when you realize that Sentinel Titans already have a problem with their aspects.

Currently, Sentinel Titans have 3 aspects + 1 new upcoming aspect:

  • Controlled Demolition - Htting an enemy with an ability or Volatile explosion causes them to become Volatile. Volatile explosions near you heal you and nearby allies.
  • Bastion - Cast your Barricade to grant a Void Overshield to you and nearby allies. Your Barricade slowly fills you and allies with a Void Overshield while directly behind it. Casting your super grants a Void Overshield to nearby allies.
  • Offensive Bulwark - While you have a Void Overshield or are inside a Bubble gain 400% grenade recharge rate, increased melee dmg, increased melee range, melee final blows extend the duration of your Void Overshield (not a refresh of the hp), when paired with Controlled Demolition your uncharged melees now apply Volatile, and you gain an additional shield throw while in Sentinel Shield super.
  • New (Frontal Shield) - Consume your grenade to create/carry a frontal shield that protects you and allies. This shield absorbs enemy attacks and the stored energy can be released back at enemies to dmg them.

You've probably already noticed the original/first aspect problem, Offensive Bulwark. This aspect is a perk monster, and as a result, shoehorns the best builds into using it. This further forces your hand to build into Void Overshields, and unfortunately, these can be a pain to build into at base.

  • Bastion is free but increases Barricade cooldown.
  • Shield Throw requires a hit for a small chunk of overshield. This can hit multiple targets for multiple chunks of overshield but severely suffers from wonky/bad tracking. It's best to only rely on the 15hp overshield and not 30hp or 45hp. And relying on a 15hp overshield is not reliable.
  • Shield Bash requires putting yourself in harm's way by getting up close and requires a kill

When I heard we were getting a new Void aspect, I got excited that Bungie would follow in Broodweaver Warlock's footsteps and give Sentinel Titans another way to build into Void Overshields given that they're the kinda the overshield kings. Unfortunately, the new aspect does what it does though. For context, Broodweavers have 4 reliable ways to create Threadlings baked into their kit: Grapple + Mindspun Invocation, Threadling grenades, Weaver's Call, and Weavewalk. Made better due to being able to run 3/4 of these options at the same time. In the meantime, Titans are given 3 options for Void Overshields, can only run 2/3 at the same time, and 1 of those options is subpar.

Wait, you say that Frontal Shield has no use for overshields since you're already protecting yourself? So no Void Overshields, and by extension, no reliance on Offensive Bulwark? While that may be true, Frontal Shield consumes your grenade, and without that 400% grenade recharge rate, you're gonna be hurting for some grenade energy. Sure, HoiL exists, but a subclass should not be reliant upon an exotic; instead they should be transformative and enhance or change the gameplay loop.

But, maybe Frontal Shield can stand on its own two feet and can be paired with Controlled Demolition instead? Sure, let's break the aspect down:


  • Protects you and allies
    • Something a Towering Barricade can already do (sans the moveable part)
  • Does dmg


  • Takes away your grenade; Controlled Demolition's best friend when paired with Vortex/Magnetic grenades.
    • This limits both your long-range dmg capabilities And forces you into close range to release the Frontal Shield back at enemies.
    • If you can't get into close range after absorbing enemy attacks, you lose out on a chance to spread Volatile via Controlled Demolition. This tanks your dmg potential.
  • Borderline 0 synergy with Offensive Bulwark or Bastion.
    • And also has somewhat anti-synergy with Controlled Demolition (as shown above).

The dilemma:

  • Devour provides grenade energy on kill, And with that as an option, it may be best to just ignore building into Void Overshields in pve. Even if Frontal Shield and Controlled Demolition aren't the best pairing with one another either.
  • But, if Titans aren't building into overshields (something the class is known for), then who is?

Frontal Shield, imho, would've been better if made to provide Titans with another way to gain a Void Overshield.

Of course, we won't know until we get our hands on it in The Final Shape. Additionally, Bungie may very well change it, but as it stands right now, I'm confused where this aspect is supposed to go. It doesn't address the shortcomings of Sentinel Titans and actively competes with the aspect it is arguably best paired with.

tl,dr: The new upcoming aspect for Void Titans is already in a bad/weird spot before being released due to not addressing the problem/dilemma with Sentinel Titans' aspect choices and instead giving us something completely out of far left field.

Edit: Forgot to mention that Frontal Shield wouldn't look so bad if it replaced the melee instead of the grenade. Or an alternate class ability aspect.

Edit2 nearly a yr later: Offensive Bulwark should give void overshields increased DR. think like how feed the void has better devour.