Game health suggestion
Hey. I'll keep this short. I used this as a comment on another user's forum post.
To teach users how to complete encounters in raids...
Separate each raid encounter into sub missions and have each raid feature 1 section per week and make it matchmade.
As a solo player with far too much time in this game, I would play that in a second. It would teach the user base how to complete each encounter. Like with the gauntlet run a while back.
I feel as though this could bring a nice healthy user base back to the game and make it so raid LFG will be much more active.
Edit: to clarify, I'm not saying that one player is stuck as a sherpa everytime. I'm saying make it so the encounter literally holds the players hand through the entire process. Exact objectives on screen, icons over players and locations to go. Make it so anyone can understand regardless of age or education.