If Bundie wants to keep increasing max power level each release, they should get rid of the pain point behind it.

The main reason (i think) people hate grinding for power each season is having to infuse your gear individually each time you need to. Why not just make the drop level up the "slot" instead of just the weapon? (Ex: If you have a 2009 power level helmet and you get a 2010 helmet to drop, all your helmets are now 2010 power.) I feel this would fix a major pain point with the power grind each release and make things much more smooth with it as well.

Edit: My main point of this post was to suggest a solution to the inconvenience of having to infuse all ur gear again 1 by 1. Id like power to be gone but bungie doesnt seem to want that so i suggested this to work with that. Also they should have a way to focus higher power drops alongside something like this. Edit 2: Misspelled Bungie in title but dunno how to change it.