The new "Dire" Taken are awesome!

This has probably already been talked about on this community, but I just wanted to throw my hat in the ring too, based on how much I like the new taken

Ok, so while the new "Dire" Taken are just limited to the new seasonal activities, I actually enjoy the change of scenery for these guys! For reference on the changes done to these guys, besides visual:

Thrall: spawns a taken blob/blight that explodes if you get too close, or unless you shoot it down ASAP

Minotaur: Creates a Stasis Field around itself if you get too close or if you engage in combat with it (not 100% certain on its requirements to activate it's Stasis field)

Vandal: Becomes completely invisible, like you don't even see them until they start firing at you (not sure if this intentional for how invisible they are, but I'm down for it)

Goblin: Creates a "rope" effect that targets you (cannot confirm of this is meant to sever you or grapple you, have not seen any visual indication if so)

Phalanx: their physical shield is down, but it appears that they now protect other taken allies, akin to how the goblins would normally shield their allies.

Captains: Creates the bubble that Vandals used to have, and is much more annoying when you consider their solar shields AND they can actually shoot you through it, like they have anti-barrier intrinsically on their guns

I'm sure there's more changes/reworks that I'm missing, but regardless I am a fan of this "rework" to the Taken lol