S1 Pro gcode thumbnail preview for Cura and PrusaSlicer

As you may know, the latest firmware update (V2. released on 23rd October 2023) enables support for previewing gcode thumbnails.

Gcode exported from the creality slicer will show the thumbnail, but the gcode generated by Cura or PrusaSlicer will not unless a post-processing script is used.

For Cura, you can use the "CreateEnder3S1ProThumbnail" script found here or here for those without a Ultimaker account.

For PrusaSlicer, I modified this other script to make it work for the S1Pro. You can find the modified script here (I'll try to always link to the latest version of the script, but check the thread to find if there has been an update).

In addition to the gcode thumbnail, the post-processing script also formats the required info to display the estimated time, # of layers and used filament under the thumbnail.