The Sexual Instinct -- you're all wrong

Sexual instinct is focused around the attraction of a mate for survival. The mechanisms of sex are at play (turn-on, turn-off, orgasm, chemical bonding, transformation, repopulation, birth).

But everyone is missing a major facet of sex: you cannot have sex if you do not find someone to have sex with. The question isn't "how attractive am I?", that is the social instinct. The question isn't "am I prepared to start a family?", that is self-preservation instinct.

The sexual DOM is subconsciously asking themselves "where can I find my mate?"

If SP is home-bound and SO is centered around community then SX is about the world at large. SX doms are characterized as grand and intense but it is misconstrued through a SO lens of doing it to appease a specific person or group of people. The SX-dom behavior is exhibitionist and 'loud' in nature so that it can broadcast itself to the world and potentially attract the ideal mate. They are showing themselves wholeheartedly in an attempt of repelling those that they are not turned-on by and finding the one that they are.

For example: The SP1 is focused on improving and reforming themselves for the sake of themselves and their personal survival. The SO1 is focused on encouraging their community to improve because if everyone followed their standards then there would be an increased group survival. The SX1 is focused on improving the world at large, making them unabashedly reformist which can be controlling and hypocritical in lower levels of health. Their thought is that if they can create a perfect world, they can survive.

The SP5 is focused on clinging to itself and their insight on the world for the sake of their personal survival. The SO5 is focused on occasionally giving the best insight to those worthy of it for the sake of the community's survival (consulting with the elders/experts, being an omniscient beacon). The SX5 is focused on using their insights to interact with the world and broadcast what they know to claim a 'disciple'; if they find this disciple, they can survive.

The SX believes that they will not survive if they do not find a world where they can attract their ideal mate. They must create this world and allow the mate to come to them.

All of this bullshitting back-and-forth about physical attractiveness ignores the groundwork of the Enneagram. Do not forget that you must filter their passion, fixation, defense mechanisms, and all other constitutional components of the types through the instincts in order to get the variant; and to those that have not forgotten that core element, you must remember what each instinct means at its core.

SP: Why do animals create nests to the attract mates? (housing, resources)

SO: Why do animals use hierarchies to determine who mates with who? (beauty standards)

SX: Why do animals migrate for mating season? (broadcasting)

In Enneagram terms: the Peacock is not a SX-Dom animal, it is SO-Dom, because what determines the attractiveness of the feathers is the gene-pool within that community.

Before you say: SX DoMS ArE AbOut tHE iNtEnSE CoNNecTIOn, CoNsuMing SomeONE EntiRElY- shut up. Every instinct can do that, it is about how.

The SX9 broadcasts that they will be willing to take on their mate, to be changed by them, to become one. The SX8 broadcasts that they will protect and own their mate, to possess. The SX5 broadcasts that they will enlighten their mate, the SX3 broadcasts they will be everything their mate wants. The SX1 broadcasts that it will provide an improved world for their mate. So on and so forth.

On the contrary, the SP9 shows they can be reliable for their mate. The SP5 shows the mate that they do not have to provide much for them, they do not take up resources. The SP4 shows the mate they are willing to put aside their melancholy to be there for the mate. The SP8 shows that they can fulfill their own desires so the mate doesn't have to. The SP1 shows they can improve themselves to be better for the mate. SP can provide for itself so the mate doesn't have to.

So what does the SO do? The SO can make themselves attractive to their mate, either amplifying or nullifying some of their traits for the mate's sake. For a SO5, that means becoming the smartest. For a SO9, that means becoming active. For a SO3, that means becoming the most successful. For a SO7, that means becoming the 'safest' yet most exciting.

SP: I can provide (fixation) for myself so you don't have to.

SO: I can make myself (fixation) to be attractive to you.

SX: I can make a place of (fixation) to attract you.

This brings another question: what does each instinct look like if they are blind?

SP-BLIND: I can't provide (fixation) for myself but I can make a place to attract you and make myself attractive for you through it.

SO-Blind: I can't make myself attractive for you but I can make a place to attract you and provide (fixation) for myself.

SX-Blind: I can't make a place to attract you but I can make myself attractive for you and provide (fixation) for myself.

The difference between SO's attractiveness and SX's attractiveness is that SO is specifically targetted to the values within the group while the SX is making its own so to speak.

A wolf that uses his rank within the pack to mate yet stay within the pack is a SO-dom wolf. A wolf that finds a mate within the pack and then leaves the pack to create his own is a SX-dom wolf.