Strange occurrence Friday night (car chase? stolen cars? just drunk kids?)

Friday night around 9:30 I was driving along Stuart St. between Overland and Taft, which is a winding residential road with a speed limit of 25 or 30. I start to notice the guy behind me is right on my ass, and suddenly he whips by me on the left at probably 50+ mph and narrowly avoids a head-on collision with a car coming the other direction. I come to a complete stop and layed on my horn, and a few seconds later a panel van passes me on the right, IN THE BIKE LANE, at similarly high speeds.

The first car was a dark, newer model German SUV, I think a Mercedes or an Audi, and the second was a white panel van with company logos on the side, like an electrician or contractor. That’s what particularly stood out to me as being weird and thinking it was something more than just drunk kids on a Friday, that it was a company van - harder to imagine someone doing that in a very identifiable vehicle.

I called it into the non-emergency line and they said someone else had just called in the area, but I never heard anything back. Just curious if someone is missing some cars or has any insight into what was going on. I can’t help much beyond that lol