Harassment on Campus - BE CAREFUL & AWARE

My coworker had me join Reddit, because she is aware that my story is very similar to those sharing on here. On February 6th on the side of 25 Park Place around 3:30 pm I was waiting to cross the street (going to the Hurt Building) when the guy literally came and GRABBED ME AROUND THE SHOULDER and try to force himself to kiss me after complimenting my “cute smile, lips, cheeks” but I tried to act like I wasn’t listening to him and had my AirPods in. Even before he tried to kiss me he kept asking for my name and KEPTT on asking me “please slime for me, smile for me, just smile for me with your pretty lips and I was like “I’m good”. That’s when he wrapped his arm around my shoulders with force trying to lean in for a kiss on my cheek and I pushed him off of me. Luckily some girls were nearby and helped me get away from him… I took a picture of the guy when he was walking away after saying “MY BAD”. I posted on Instagram and told ladies on campus to be alert and aware. I even called campus police and showed them the picture …. But I haven’t even heard from them after I put in my statement. And I found out another girl was harassed by this guy literally right after me but near Lofts. Ladies don’t stay quiet when stuff like this happens to you PLEASE.