is it time for three 5-stars' a banner?
as the title implies, i think it is time for us to get 3 (three!) different 5 stars to choose from each banner instead of two.
i have been waiting so long for cloud retainer re-run, and had been sure to see her again this laturn right... naturally, my hopes have been crushed. tho this has made me realize how many 5 stars have nearly year long absence before re-runs.
remember, it was originally only one 5 star in a banner, but as the number of 5 stars grew, it has become 2. with the number of 5 stars today it think it's time for the change... argument would be so much better if i remembered when we got the first banner with 2 choices on it. or how many 5 stars were available back then. does anyone know that? add it to the comments below. please.