Higher awareness
So the Demiurge and Sophia were only higher state of consciousness? The Demiurge embodies the boredom and malevolence in our entire lives. It's like an ADHD paralysis state where we can't proceed to move or create something new that's why we feel stuck in our own life and instead of choosing creation, we choose the path of destruction. Sophia, meanwhile, embodies the procreation and benevolence. She never get tired of seeking and creating something NEW in this existence. My analogy to the gnostic gods and goddesses is like playing minecraft. Sophia never get tired of creating because she learns something and the creation goes on and on however, Demiurge, got bored that's why he explodes tnt, kills animals for sacrifice, kills people and whatever violence he can do because he couldn't go outside the game? I have watched fractals video and it seems to me that there is a correlation between people who feel amazed when watching the loop— they are Sophia. People who feel fear, boredom and ennui are the Demiurge. Am I interpretating it just right? Does the universe itself doesn't have a beginning or end and it means that we live in a simulation?