Curious question, do you think Superman could survive a stab from the Blade of Olympus?
Let me start off by saying that Superman is a mortal, well he’s alien but still mortal, he’s a god-like being, but he’s still biologically a mortal and everything like that. don’t get me wrong he’s above every character in the god of war universe by a ton, but he’s still a mortal alien if that makes sense. Anyway, we know the blade of Olympus is the most powerful weapon in the god of war franchise so far, Zeus wiping out an entire race with it, being very deadly and anyone could die but it from a single stab, accept Zeus no matter what he can’t die from a stab with the blade. But I’m wondering could Superman survive a stab from it? Like if Kratos was in a fight with him, he’d obviously lose but if he had the blade of Olympus and stabbed Superman with it, would he survive?