my unasked opinion

BEFORE COMMENTING: Read the text with an open mind, and let's keep the discussion civil. I’d love to hear opinions from both people unfamiliar with the topic and those who work with AI daily (like me). Regardless of your stance, let’s just have a conversation.

Today was a great day for the community (new interview, snippets, a lot of content from Ye), but it’s starting to feel like a loss because we’re all caught up in disagreements. Please keep that in mind.

The main reason I believe these snippets are not AI-generated is quite simple. First, we need to understand that most audio glitches in AI-generated vocals occur due to the presence of plosives. Plosives typically happen with consonants that require bursts of air, such as the letters "P" and "T." Keeping this in mind, if we analyze the snippets, we can clearly hear the presence of plosives—especially in the Future remix, where "P" and "T" sounds are repeatedly rapped. Yet, at no point do we hear the so-called AI glitching (by glitching, I mean that robotic, distorted effect that AI vocals often produce).

Anyone who actually works with AI (and beware of impostors in this sub who barely understand the basics of AI models) knows that it's nearly impossible to layer an AI-generated voice over a recording without any phonetic errors. For me, this is undeniable proof that these vocals are not AI-generated.

If you're not used to certain flows or vocal inflections Ye employs in some of these snippets—again, I point to the Future remix, which features a rapping style he doesn’t typically use on these types of beats—that’s understandable. But jumping to baseless accusations without proper knowledge or study of the subject is misguided.

Another point I’d like to add is for those in this sub who have ever recorded vocals, even just for fun as a hobby, or those who do it professionally. Please explain that experimenting with different vocal deliveries is completely normal in music. Sometimes, it might sound unusual, but this practice has existed since the very beginning of the art form—long before AI models were even a thing.