More experienced Harlequin fans, please help me understand something.

TLDR: Is playing Harlequins and only Harlequins in the table top game actually fully dead or is that just a hyperbolic joke that I’m too naive to catch?

Hi! I’ve been following 40k lore for years and the Harlequins were literally the first thing I ever heard of in the 40k universe. Back in like 2016 or so I was reading some random article that mentioned ninja space clowns and that was all it took to get me interested.

I got into the lore and decided I was gonna take up the hobby so I went to my local Games Workshop store to buy some harlequins and then when I saw one box was like 40-50 bucks and I still had to buy paints and stuff, I realized at the time I just couldn’t afford the hobby as I was only a few years out of college. So I decided to just be a fan of the lore instead.

Years later now, my family is much more financially stable and also I’ve played so many of the 40k video games and following content creators (but not focused on the table top) that I started thinking now’s the time to finally buy my clowns and give the tabletop game a try. But I keep seeing things saying Harlequins are dead in the main game, or you can’t run them without Craftworld Aeldari or you can’t run them at all.

If that’s true, by itself wouldn’t completely stop me as I’d still like to collect them and fail to paint them well. But I guess I’d like to know if like the current Harlequin models are all that there will ever be, or are they just on hiatus or something. I know only GW knows the answer to that last one but I’d like to hear opinions of people far more informed than me on this.