Sperm Whale: All life comes from the sea

Nen-type: Conjuration

Description: the user conjures a whale the size of a full-grown bear. Its name is Mutha. The whale has one ability. It can create life after ingesting water. When water is ingested Mutha will mix the water with some of its own fluids. Life will then fester and be created within the whale. The whale will then spit out multiple full organisms. These organisms are not obedient to the user and are randomly generated and may die with in the first few minutes of being created. The organisms it creates are NOT nen beasts but real living things.


1.Destroying Mutha keeps it deconjured for 24 hours.

  1. When the creature Mutha created dies the whale cries and won't use its ability for 24 hours.

3.Must be completely filled with water to work.