About the "thinking about playing The Sims/playing The Sims"
Look, I've been playing The Sims for 10 years now (mostly 2) and the only thing I really care about is the Live Mode. I can't build for shit and I don't feel the need to excessively decorate rooms for my Sims because that comes second place for me, so I get that everyone has different playstyles and all that.
But come on, I saw someone on the main sub saying they wish the Sims in TS4 could take care of themselves because they need the UI cheats mod to play Live Mode after building them a home... What's even the point of playing a life sim if you're not interested in the main selling point, which should be, you know, the life simulation?
And even then, the reason why you don't enjoy playing The Sims could maybe be that you constantly play with cheats and don't have the satisfaction of seeing your Sims earn stuff after leveling up skills and job careers because you just cheat it to them? No shade to anyone who finds it more fun to play with cheats, but getting everything handed to you does tend to make the game less fun, atleast imo.
My point is, people spend money on shitty DLCs exclusively because they like 1 or 2 items on Build and Buy Mode and these people are ruining the way the franchise is heading because who cares about barebones gameplay when you have 2 new couches for your Sims?