My boyfriend and I seem to struggle keeping the conversation going

Hey Reddit,

I am here to look for any piece of advice for my situation. This is probably going to be long, but I want to try to write the most accurate description of my problem.

So I (20f) have recently got a boyfriend (20m). It is a brand new relationship and so far it's been going great. We both really like each other, I'd say I even might be in love with him already. He has many good qualities and does a lot of things I admire. Even though we don't have that many hobbies and interests in common we share a similar attitude and viewpoint for life. In other words we sort of are on the same page and in a similar point in life. We have a lot of fun together and respect each other.

We are also coworkers and we live in the same building so we see each other often. Since we started dating we have been hanging out almost every single day. That's for the background, now let me explain what seems to be a problem here.

I noticed that sometimes when we are alone we struggle to have a one to one conversation. We often get those awkward silent moments and find ourselves lacking things to talk about. We had a few longer talks but not the kind of a passionate naturally flowing conversation when you would talk for hours and hours without getting tired. I am an introverted person (INTP), however I am not shy and usually don't have a problem carrying a conversation with people, even the ones I have just met. And especially with the ones I know I can be pretty talkative and don't have a problem discussing anything. My boyfriend is more reserved and tends to keep his thoughts to himself when with me. Neither of us is shy or super nervous or anxious person and when we hang out in a group of friends he talks a lot as well. But when it's just the two of us for some reason it's hard sometimes to keep the convo going. I noticed I am the one initiating conversations more often and I ask way more questions than he does.

There is one more important factor to that and that is neither of us being a native English speaker. We both have different first languages and normally speak in English or in his language occasionally as I know some. He speaks English well but I think my level is slightly more advanced than his. We don't have problems communicating in general but there definitely is a language barrier to some extend. However that is normal in international relationships and I don't think it is the cause of us struggling to talk.

It's also not that he wouldn't be interested in talking to me. He shows me his interest in many other ways and said once that he wants to talk to me more but doesn't know what to say in the moment.

I think I give him verbal feedback quite often, I like giving words of reassurance. Like when we had a great day I make sure to tell him, I thank him for coming to a grocery store with me, I compliment him when I notice something I like, I tell him how he makes me feel, that I like being around him etc. He on the other hand doesn't really do any of that. Instead he is more initiative about doing things if that makes sense. He for sure comes up with date ideas more often, he was the one always texting first when we started talking. He also hugs me and kisses me all the time, but in a conversation he seems to be a little clueless.

This whole thing is making me frustrated because I don't know what to do about it. Like we obviously like each other a lot and we both want to spend as much time together as possible, shouldn't it be easy and natural for us to talk??

I have another coworker whom I met at similar time as my boyfriend and we talk all the time. At work we just rant about things, discuss movies, stories that happened to us, ideas and hypothetical situations, we tease each other etc. We could keep going like that for ages. Why can I be like that with my friend and not with my boyfriend? It makes me feel confused and also guilty. Just to make it clear this coworker of mine is our mutual friend and our relation is 100 % platonic really.

I want to stay with my boyfriend and want him to be a part of my life, but this bothers me. How can I help this and what can I do better? What things should we talk about, how can I make it easier for him to talk to me? At the same time I already am the one trying to have conversations more and I don't want to force it.

Also for those wondering about my boyfriend's MBTI type, he got an ENFJ from the test but I think he is probably more of an ENFP / ESFP. I don't think the MBTI is that important though. I just post here in this subreddit because I usually get pretty useful responses from fellow INTPs.

Thanks to all who managed reading up until here. I will read and appreciate every response. The more specific, the better.