How easy is it to make a mistake and accidentally bend the AM5 pins?
I'm saving up for my very first PC build. What began as a good idea has now spiralled out of control into hopeless ambitions of getting a system that can play the very latest releases, which has made me gravitate towards an AM5 configuration, whereas previously I was going to go with the AM4. It's not a necessity, but I would like the very first PC I ever build to be somewhat current-gen; I've always played games two or three generations behind. I'd also like it to be somewhat future proof.
However, what scares me about the AM5 is how easy it is to bend the pins and end up with a motherboard that is essentially ruined. How many of you have had issues with the pins bending, and is it very easy to do? If I do end up doing it, I'll have to just trash the motherboard, and since AM5 is expensive, I'd have to save up for another month, by which time it would be too late to actually test any of the other parts, and return them, should they happen to be faulty. What do you suggest I do?