Hoosiers aren't fighters for justice.
Y'all voted wrong, and now you will be losing a lot of freedoms because you wanted to be a hateful edgelord.
When you get sick and can't pay for it, what then?
When your kids come home with no education, what then?
Are you happy being the bottom?
You're mad because these new bills are ruining everything, but you're never going to fight them. You're going to take it.
You could have e voted better, but you wanted to be the bottom bitch and now you are. How does it feel being a bootlicker?
You won't stand up at city hall, assembly, nothing. You won't even do it for your kids. Too chicken.
How does it feel watching the Third Reich take over? Do you like spitting on the graves of WW2 soldiers who fought for your freedom?
You voted so wrong this last election and this is your payment. You're not even adult enough to protest. So how does it feel that your precious "small government" is over reaching this far?