Revive Tincture (UltraKanna broad spectrum ethanol tincture) Review

So I got this new \"Revive\" tincture along with some powdered extracts from my last order and I have to say that although the potency is much lower than your typical extract like ET2, UC, MX-8 or Zspec, MX-12, etc. the broad spectrum alkaloid content makes up for that in different ways, leading a smoother, more \"fuller\" or \"whole\" experience like we used to get from raw Kanna back about a decade ago when the market wasn't full of bunk Kanna. I was sceptical bc I haven't had any good raw kanna in years but I was pleasantly surprised by this tincture, although it is definitely not as potent as their extracts I like the broad spectrum alkaloids effects, I feel its similar to cannabis and its entourage effect with cannabinoids working together, the same can be said for certain Kava products... I really think that having many alkaloids present smooths out the effects and makes them longer lasting, more anxiolytic, can even help pain relief, anxiety, depression, and is much more of a tonic than the pure extract which is just much more potent and selective and \"clinical\" or \"pharamceutical\" in a sense, the extracts don't lasts as long, and are way stronger, but don't provide the same benefits due to the lack of a broad spectrum of alkaloids working together. So I typically take both the extract and tincture together to get the most out of both, the extract potnentiates the tincture and the tincture smooths out the extracts making it easier to stretch out both products. I take the tincture orally (10-15 drops in a small shot of water or cup of tea on empty stomach in the morning and then again in the afternoon - so 2 doses, and then I also take a large scoop of mx-12 with 6-8 drops of liquid under the tongue and hold for 20-30min before swallowing about 2x per day as well, I may do one last dose intranassally of extract like UC in the afternoon or evening at 20-40mg and call it day). This is all very individual. I think this is a great start for beginners and experienced users alike, who aren't just looking for potency but longer lasting effects, more health benefits, and smoothing out extracts... if all you care about is getting the most potent extract than maybe skip this one, the people who can appreciate the effects of all the alkaloids workings together will get a lot out of it. I recommend this and the KannaConnect Capsules for beginners for priming and then you can transition to the extracts, I also recommend this just to have so you can get more alkaloids in your system and get more well rounded effects. Curious if anyone else has tried it and what they think?