Redundancy selection criteria: entirely performance related but I didn’t receive appraisal

Hello, wonder if an employment law expert might help with some specifics regarding my ‘at risk of redundancy’ status.

  • The selection criteria in the scoring is all performance related in a job that’s about writing and ideas. They refer to minor, subjective events of the last year. However, I did not receive a proper appraisal. I had asked for the feedback and written appraisal but never ever received anything. So not easy for me to ever action anything. Would this matter/ help at all?

  • at the very start of the consultation process, i.e. when they told me, they then said pre-selection pooling had already taken place. But I was not aware of this. Nobody told me I was at risk until the day that they also told me I had been pre-scored and now it was just me left in the pool. Will they be able to claim that this is fair and due process?

  • can a company use its general falling revenue and need to reduce headcount to point to why my specific role is redundant? In the letter they refer to specific projects that fell away. However, none of them are my projects. I sense I’m the target of a cost reduction program but I believe my work and tasks still exist. But is this a grey area?

Goal to find the most reliable seed of doubt so that I may give them cause for concern about unfair dismissal