Reading around the world

Happy New Year, I’ve a bit of a tricky one to start the year, I’ve got a reading challenge to read and learn about and read things set on all the continents. To that end I’m reading 2 histories, an award winning novel written by someone from the continent set in the continent, a biography and a “popular fiction” (read romance or thriller set in the country). But here is the trick it needs to be set in areas I don’t really know anything about and has to have a the feel of what it really is like to live there. I know some of these may be impossible to get an MM Romance in which case Im going with another LGBT, then MF then failing that a thriller (obviously I only want MM recommendations here if anyone has other suggestions I’ll be happy for a message).

So to summarise can I please have recommendations for:

  • AContemporary romance that as much as is possible in a romance accurately reflects the feel of living in the country and the reality of being lgbtq there.
  • if this means to get their happy ending they need to seek asylum somewhere so be it as long as predominately the story is set in wherever.
  • I need a book for each continent as follows please:

  • Africa: Not set in South Africa or Egypt (One of Aiden Bates Sealed novels is set largely in Egypt and besides being omegaverse and a confusion between two prisons and the time it gets to get between them fairly realistic).

  • Asia open to anything.

  • Europe ideally NOT UK, Ireland, France, Germany or Roe Horvat.

  • North America Mexico please.

  • South America open to anything

  • Oceania ideally not Australia or New Zealand please

  • Antarctica I’ll take what I can get

Im never sure which of the Americas Central America and the Caribbean islands belong to if North America then they are an alternative to Mexico.

Please and Thank You.